La légende du cocotier - FR-EN

5 Quelle consternation pour toutes les deux ! Se sentant perdues, elles pleurèrent leurs parents qu’elles ne reverraient plus. Elles ne pouvaient revenir à la nage de peur d’être dévorées par les requins. Elles remarquèrent soudain que le rocher sur lequel elles étaient assises, n’était autre qu’une tortue. Alors, elles y demeurèrent et voyagèrent nuit et jour. Les poissons qu’elles avaient pêchés leur servirent de nourriture. Portées par le courant, elles dérivèrent jusqu’au large de MAUPIHAA. What great dismay for both of them! As they felt themselves lost, they mourned their parents they would never see again. They were unable to swim back for fear of being devoured by sharks. They suddenly became aware that the rock they were sitting on was nothing but a turtle. So they stayed straddling it and travelled night and day. They fed on the fish they had caught. Driven by the current, they went drifting until they found themselves off MAUPIHAA.